July 23, 2013

Download Annotation and CC from Youtube [EASY WAY]

Download Annotation or CC from Youtube [EASY WAY!!]

Annyeong all.
In this time i want to give you all a tutorial how to download annotations on youtube as subtitle file (.srt). Well, im sorry if you dont understand this post because many wrong english pronuncation. I'm so sorry about that. ><

Step by Step Download Annotation or CC from YT is...

1. Fetch annotations from a video >> Go Here
2. After that new tab will launch, in that new tab annotation time on your video will appear. right click and save as Your-file-name.XML
3. (Optional) This is your chance to do things the YouTube developers did not think of. A few examples: If you want the annotations to last the whole video, you can edit the end time to something like t="1:00:00.0". You can change the width and height of the annotations to sizes that the normal editor will not allow.
4. If you wanna easy way, you can use SUBTITLE EDIT software, you can download software HERE
5.  To easy way download CC you can using this website

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